
Showing posts from January, 2021

A Brave New World

       Wow. When I wrote "An Open Letter to 2021," and said that I had no idea what was going to happen on the 6th, I really  had no idea.  It's been exactly two weeks since that post, and it seems as though we're living in a completely different reality. A reality where, now more than ever,  right is wrong and  wrong is right. A reality where violence is "peace" and true peace is decried as "violence." A reality where the idea of liberty in all of its forms is more unpopular than a pariah. A reality where  countryman turns against countryman with an unparalleled ferocity. Except this time, it is accompanied with the heavy words "traitor" and "terrorist;" flung high into the ether like so much chaff. And these comments were aimed at almost all of the wrong people.  We've been sternly lectured by our "betters" and utterly betrayed by a large percentage of our elected "leaders." Our voice was unequivocally ...

An Open Letter to 2021

     Dear 2021,     We’re not well acquainted yet, but I thought I’d say hi before you’re too old and accomplished to recognize a small chick like me. To be completely honest, so far I keep mistaking you for your notorious older brother, and giving him the day’s credit any time something needs to be dated. But you sure have been long anticipated. You know that famous older brother I mentioned? Yeah, lots of folks hate his guts. I can’t say that I blame them... he was a doozie. But you. Lots of folks hope you’ll be the superhero that saves the day (or the year.) You’re like the middle child everyone hopes will keep it together when the guinea pig oldest child derails.     That’s a lot of pressure for one little year, and it’s not often that the pressure is as high as it is when you’re only five days old. I want to encourage you though: don’t take it too much to heart. We may not know you well yet, but we’ll get there: at 60 seconds per minute, 60 m...